Saturday, 14 May 2011

Fool-proof English Ideas

When revising English, I cant help but notice that the same phrases seem to come up again and again, and the general theory seems to be, with English at least, throw enough shit, and some will stick.

Here are some of these phrases:

  • "The use of the [Insert any ridiculous adjective] imagery..."

e.g, Owen's use of macabre imagery places the reader in the shoes of the soldier, helping them to envision life on the front, evoking feelings of sympathy, and exposing them to the true horrors of war.

This point has been one which has caused a great deal of humour in the past two years, with an almost unanimous favourite being when our English teacher told us that when Romeo says, "God! Direct my sail" there is navigational imagery... sigh.
Although on my last day, whilst getting my shirt signed, I requested that she (our English teacher) wrote me a message on imagery, the resultant writing was;
"Everything, Colm, can be a type of imagery. 'It paints a picture in your head'"
  •   Enjambment increases narrative flow (when you have nothing left to say, this will always do)
e.g,  Nichol's use of enjambment increases the narrative flow of the poem, reflecting the flow of the ocean which he fondly remembers, showing the strength of his memory.

  •  ...which increases the scale and importance of the article. (I found myself writing this a worrying amount when doing the media texts.)
e.g, The opinion, ""We hope that the findings of our study will help people to think seriously", is presented - showing the scale of the issue, and adding a sense of urgency and importance to the article.

I'll post more as I think of them, and till then, have fun revising! ;D

- Colm

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